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EZ, the big question raised by your series of posts on the Honduran situation is, what on earth could the Obama Administration be thinking about in aligning itself with Hugo Chavez and his ilk against a functioning democracy in South America?
We have an answer. Apparently the President and Secretary of State are following a State Department legal brief by top State counsel Harold Koh which concludes the actions of the Honduran military were a coup in violation of Honduran law.
Mr. Koh must be some kind of persuasive, since the opinion that the military acted lawfully in accordance with the Constitution of Honduras is held and defended by leading DC lawyer and Honduras native Miguel Estrada, the Law Library of Congress, and a host of other mainstream critics and commentators, as well as the Honduran Congress, Supreme Court, Attorney General, Catholic Church and members of ousted President Zelaya's own party.
Since Mr. Koh is so persuasive, you would think the Administration would be eager to release his legal reasoning. However, you would be wrong; Mr. Koh and his legal analysis is being kept tightly under wraps, even from an inquiry by U.S. Senator Jim DeMint. Is it possible his radical background has colored his legal analysis? Most certainly, as no honest reading of the Honduran situation could find otherwise than that the military acted lawfully.
This makes the release of Mr. Koh's legal analysis even more important. It might very well highlight how easily President Obama and Madam Secretary Clinton are persuaded by leftwing analysis that can barely keeps its head above the waters of propaganda.
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