Impeach Trump Now!
impeach the guy. Here are the facts.
Biden/Obama set US policy as follows: the Ukraine shall not be
permitted to investigate corruption in a company within its borders
that has Joe Biden's son on the Board. If they insist on doing so,
then we will withhold up to a billion dollars in aid.
Trump canceled that policy, reinstating the policy that was in effect
prior to the Obama administration, and communicated this new policy
direction to the President of the Ukraine, to wit, the US encourages
the Ukraine to prosecute all corruption without regard to whether it
would hurt or harm the son of a powerful US politician. The stated
rational for this policy is that corruption in the Ukraine has been a
major sticking point in foreign relations going back decades.
impeachable part arises because Joe Biden is running for President,
and the prosecution of his son for corruption might harm his chances
of winning. Actually, it might or might not - perhaps old Joe could
just distance himself from his son's activities in the Ukraine, like
John Kerry's son did. Or perhaps he could just deflect the matter to
some 'woke' issue that the media likes to report on and cruise right
on to the victory that all the polls are predicting. Or perhaps …
all that doesn't matter, because this is impeachable. Just look in
the Constitution and its right there, or if not, I seem to recall
something in Madison's notes from the Constitutional Convention about
it. So, Original Intent! as you right-wingers like to drone on about.
Irrefutable conclusion: impeach him now!
Or, here's an idea: let the President run his foreign policy as he sees fit. This idea has the added advantage that it is actually in the Constitution. Look it up; our founding document is written in English and not that long.
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