Here We Go Again
Get ready
for Kavanaugh 2.0.
Democrats increasingly threadbare bag of tricks to take down
Republicans has needed something new for some time now, and it seems
the Dems have seized on the (for them) astonishingly successful smear
trap of Judge Kavanaugh. If you can recall without cringing, the
Senate confirmation hearing on Judge Kavanaugh's nomination to the
Supreme Court was concluded, when the Democrats discovered a (gasp!)
new witness with damning information on High-Schooler Bret Kavanaugh
- Christine Blasey Ford. They then beat the drums to have her testify
in open session, the media joined in, and the Republicans caved,
setting off what should have been a days worth of work that was
strung out for weeks as new witnesses and new crimes were invented.
All the while, both the Dems and the Media hammered Kavanaugh's
reputation to a pulp with speculation heaped atop lies, hoping that
the Republicans would cave again and vote Kavanaugh down.
him down despite the palpable reality that Bret Kavanaugh had never
done anything wrong, and that as Lindsey Graham passionately pointed
out, the entire Democrat road-show was a travesty.
how does this translate to an Impeachment trial of President Trump?
Well, the Democrats have been beating the drum for weeks now that it
will be important for the Senate to call witnesses. Mitch McConnel,
however, has been adamant that it is the House that calls witnesses
in furtherance of its Impeachment decision, and then delivers the
evidence they find to the Senate for trial. It is not the Senate's
job under the Constitution to find or introduce new evidence in
support of the House's Impeachment decision. So, Mitch opines, there
will be no new witnesses or evidence to supplement the House's
Articles of Impeachment; it is not the job of the Senate to clean up
inadequate Articles of Impeachment.
seems pretty straightforward, and has the added advantage that that
is how the Democrats in the Senate handled the Impeachment of their
own party's President, Bill Clinton.
the drum beat for witnesses, and even new charges, continues, so here
is what is going to happen over the next few weeks. There will be
shocking stories in the Major Media, based on anonymous sources, of
some especially heinous perfidy by Trump, and an all out demand that
the Senate investigate immediately. Mitch will resist at the outset,
and the Senate will duly convene to hear the House's representatives
present the Articles of Impeachment, the President will mount his
defense, and after the submission of written questions, the Senate
will be prepared to vote …. Except, there will be a motion for
additional witnesses related to the House's charges, but also for the
introduction of evidence of any new crimes the Dems and the Major
Media can stitch together out of whole cloth. Four or five of the
weak-sisters in the Republican ranks will then fold up under the
then the games will begin. Once the door to additional evidence and
witnesses is opened, the Dems will parade a slew of new witnesses and
odious speculations, and we will all be subjected to a weeks long
hatchet job on Trump. The crimes charges will be both tenuous and
risible, but it won't matter because the goal, as with Kavanaugh,
will be to simply fill the air with such a fury of Trumpian
scurrilousness that everyone will be unable to see that there is not
one jot or tittle of real, Impeachable evidence of anything.
Mitch or someone will stand up and break through the fog to close the
sham of a proceeding off, like Lindsay did in the Kavanaugh matter.
But that is not likely.
so, the ugliness of our politics will again be on display, to the
detriment of all of us. Our only hope then will be an appeal to the
only group that the Democrats are, deep down, truly afraid of: the
American voters. Hopefully they will throw all these bums out next
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