Hillary & Bill Clinton
These two people, despite immense and obvious flaws, have cast a singular shadow (some would say "pall") over the Republic for lo' these many decades. So, after all this time, what is their current place in American politics? Here is an article that asserts an answer, from Fox Business News.
An interesting take, but I am afraid the fact that many Democrats want the Clintons to go away is old news. Everyone forgets that it was the New York Times that dropped the expose on Hillary’s private email server – just before she was going to declare a run for the 2016 Presidency. To me, that was an obvious hit-job by some higher-ups in the Democrat Party (probably Obama) trying to dissuade her from running. However, the Clintons have so much juice on the party machinery that they refused to take the hint and she ran anyway. At that point, the Dem’s had nothing else to do but ram her through the primaries and into the Presidency.
Except Trump.
Hillary is finished as far as a political office is concerned, as is Bill, but that does not mean they don’t still have serious political muscle on their side – no one who has behaved as these two have the last 30 years could have survived this long without something really significant to leverage their party leadership. Given their Arkansas background, it’s probably dirt on certain specific people coupled with photos. But it could also be the dirt, plus money, plus a demonstrated willingness to burn the Democrat house down unless they are allowed to continue their influence.
I suspect Bill and Hillary Clinton have in their heads a last goal for their careers: to match the achievement of Ted Kennedy. And that is, to continue to be a major player in US and world politics despite a very public and outrageous scandal. And you can almost hear the Clintons comforting each other on a cold winter night in their house in Chappaqua: "After all, we never killed anyone, right?”
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