Re: Obama's War
Well, Chaz, Churchill was in Chamberlain's own party. It would have been difficult to refuse the appointment to the Admiralty under the circumstances.
I don't think you, Whit, and I are in that much disagreement. It's a matter of emphasis. I will certainly support President Obama's troop surge, on both strategic and patriotic grounds. But support should not mean glossing over any detrimental features of the President's execution of the war-plan, like his tendency to put a political spin on his strategy which in fact undermines American and World support for the war.
In retrospect, I think we all fell too much into defending George Bush in Iraq over the last eight years, and did not critique him enough when he deserved it. That he was under savage, ill-considered political attacks from the Left is no excuse. If we had been more forthright in criticizing Bush, I think he might have gotten the right Iraq strategy years before he did.
I take you to be saying that we should not let our critiques of Obama overwhelm our support and devolve into partisan political sniping. On that we can all agree; such things are inappropriate in war-time.
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