Re: Obama's War
Chase, since Easy invoked Winston Churchill in a comparison with President Obama, it might also be instructive to look at the Prime Minister preceding Churchill, Neville Chamberlain. Known as the Great Appeaser, Chamberlain nevertheless far surpassed President Obama in forthright military action. After all, he led England to declare war on Germany and sent hundreds of thousands of British troops to the Continent to defend France -- just in time, of course, for Dunkirk. So, everyone should have "supported and encouraged" Chamberlain because he was more of a hawk than the rest of the appeasers? I don't think so. War-time leadership is or ought to be evaluated on an objective standard. And objectively, President Obama has gone to war in Afghanistan without conviction, other than the sordid political conviction he will lose public support if Afghanistan - and Pakistan - fall into the bloody hands of Islamic terrorist. |
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