Palin and Shatner, Together at Last
Conan O'Brien of Tonight Show fame took it to Sarah Palin in July of this year, when he had William Shatner, the "Master Thespian," do a mock poetic reading of her speech resigning as Governor of Alaska.
Last night Conan showed there was nothing personal about it. Leading the audience to believe he was repeating the smack down, he brought William Shatner out again to gravely read excerpts from her autobiography, Going Rogue. When Mr. Shatner finished, however, who should appear on stage but Sarah Palin herself, who then delivered choice excerpts from Bill Shatner's own autobiography.
She pulled it off with just the right touch of charm, mischief, and good humor. The audience roared as she and Bill Shatner walked off, stage right, arm in arm.
The lady is a professional at everything she does. Watch the video.
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