Re: American Mob
Following up on the slander of American citizens I posted before, I would add the following ruminations on Democrat Talking Point tactics.
It goes like this. First, flood the zone of a particular political news cycle with a constant barrage of Democrats and fellow travelers mouthing an over the top description of a person or group of political opponents. Then, before the opposition can correct the record, use that description as an unargued premise for further political talking points and diatribes. This might be called the "Cascading Talking Points" method of politics, as opposed to, say, the "Reasoned Debate" method we were all taught in civics class.
Examples abound, the epitome being the "Bush lied" mantra of 2005, which although an obvious lie in itself, rose like a tsunami into such a Big Lie as to overwhelm the reasoned debate necessary to set the record straight. Republicans never recovered and the Democrats have been emboldened ever since, thinking they had finally found the golden political method that would always work, in every time and every place, no matter what the issue, no matter what the substance, no matter what the consequences.
The most recent example is, of course, the description of citizens arguing with their representatives at Town Hall Meetings as "Angry Mobs." Real citizens actually showing up to discuss the issues with their representatives at a regular meeting scheduled for that very purpose? "Well," the apparatchiks of the Democratic Party thought to themselves, "facts don't matter in the face of an overwhelming Cascade of Talking Points. If we call them Angry Mobs and the Media calls them Angry Mobs and nightly news cherry picks portions of videos to highlight seeming chaos and near violence, then real American citizens will in fact be Angry Mobs, and our resulting Talking Points will easily cascade down to the warm pools of political victory."
But, in fact, the actions of citizens at all the Town Halls have been entirely and utterly lawful in every respect, and in fact fine examples of "reasoned debate" in a full-blooded democracy. Despite the nightly news cherry picked videos, there has only been one example of people being arrested, and that is the one Town Hall that the Obama White House had the audacity to trumpet their intention to "hit back hard" against the Town Hall citizens. Following through on their threat, they sent Union Thugs to the proceedings, who promptly hospitalized a black person who had the audacity to sell American flags to citizens attending the meeting.
But as appallingly brazen as are the claims that real citizens are acting like "Angry Mobs," the resulting Cascades have come so quickly, "un-American," "un-Patriotic," "Congressman receiving death threats," etc. ad nauseum, that most commentary today, even from those normally sensible, seem to accept the original characterization as true, that citizens at these Town Hall Meetings are behaving like pitch-fork carrying mobs from some B horror movie. See e.g. Charles Krauthammer's comments on Fox News on Monday night. His comments bear the hidden premise that the citizens voicing their opinions are somehow doing something wrong, because he accepts, without argument, the Democrat meme that the citizens' style of communication is "mob-like" and therefore vaguely, in some undefined sense, illegal.
Unfortunately for the Democrats and their mindful and mindless followers, most political tactics do not work forever. It's part of the tragedy of life, that no matter how smart we think we are, reality always has the last word. And in this situation, reality is that National Healthcare is a bad, bad idea, and no amount of slick media PR will change it.
And it's also possible that citizens who have the right to vote their government representatives out of office - like for instance in the Fall of 2010 - might very well be a reality which those venal mouthpieces of Cascading Talking Points cannot survive.
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