In a Nutshell
Liberty and Tyranny, by Mark Levin
Do not let the full title of Mark Levin's latest book fool you. Liberty and Tyranny, A Conservative Manifesto is no mere partisan pastiche of red meat for the Conservative base. It is a fully realized rumination on the meaning of America and the American Revolution, and the deep divide in politics between those who desire to continue in the American tradition he describes and those who seek to bring it down and replace it with an idealized dream of an all powerful government.
Mr. Levin is a popular radio talk show host, whose unique style entertains greatly. He will take many minutes to make cogent arguments so calmly and quietly you feel a need to turn up the volume, and then in a sudden eruption of passion will literally yell his conclusions about Liberals into the microphone. And then suddenly he is quiet again. Similarly, when some Liberal calls in to question him, he will politely and methodically explain what and where he is coming from and where the caller is in error, but if the caller betrays any hint of Liberal obstreperousness, he will not hesitate to hang up on them yelling his signature line, "Get off my phone, you dope!"
This book betrays none of this. His writing is spare, elegant and straightforward, masking the deep complexity of the things he is talking about. For instance, he sets up the fundamental dichotomy that will inform his entire book on the very first page with this spare bit of prose: "...what follows are my own opinions and conclusions of fundamental truths, based on decades of observation, exploration, and experience, about conservatism and, conversely, non-conservatism--that is, liberty and tyranny in modern America." Nothing could be clearer and nothing could be more complex. How and in what way can conservatism be liberty and non-conservatism, i.e. everything else, be tyranny? Well, that is what his book will explain.
Rush Limbaugh has remarked that he is asked all the time what someone might read in order to understand conservatism, and he always has a list of authors that he gives out. Now he need only give out one. Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny is as accessible a source of conservative thought, and indeed, of the ideas informing this unique American Republic, as can be found. Read it and pass it on.
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