American Mob
The mob. The astroturfing groups determined to disrupt the meetings of democracy; who wantonly desire to stifle debate with angry shouts and vandalism. The voices of nihilism in a society of reasonable Democrats wanting only the Greater Good for society.
This is how the Democratic Party, the party that represents America with majorities in the House, the Senate and the Presidency, not to mention 4 out of 9 of the Supreme Court, describe the citizens that show up at various Town Hall meetings around the country.
Your rulers are dissing you.
Let me say it loud and clear: there is no evidence whatsoever that the citizens attending the Town Hall meetings are breaking the law in any respect. They are simply voicing their opinion, as they were invited to do when the meetings were set by their representatives. Sometimes loud, sometimes with the clapping and support of others also lawfully in attendance, but at no time outside of the normal parameters of citizen activity at such meetings.
The notion that there are "angry mobs" attending these meetings is a lie, a grotesque lie in a democracy as we are supposed to be. And our de facto and de jure leaders, the Democratic Party, should be held to account for this baldfaced slander against American citizens.
Did the citizens attending these meetings receive marching orders from various people representing the GOP or insurance companies? In short, no. In the first place, the insurance companies are solidly behind Obama Health Care, as are many other large Health Care interests like the AMA. In the second place, the GOP is a bunch of idiots, and has been for more than a decade, and there is no way it suddenly discovered the cojones to organize a massive outcry against a government takeover of 1/6th of the American economy.
No, these are legitimate grass roots groups, doing the only thing they can do to be heard, because there is no national organization that represents their interests. Any "memos" directing these people dug up by the smear merchants of the Democrats are simply laughable as evidence of a central "conspiracy." They are simply memos of small groups of Americans who have joined together to do what they can to fight back against their arrogant rulers.
Average Americans do not have a centralized headquarters telling them what to do, and have never wanted such a thing. They are too independent, too self-reliant, too engrossed in the needs and concerns of their own families, churches and communities to ever consider putting themselves in the hands of some national political ideology.
These are not angry mobs, but average citizens pushed to the wall. In most other countries, the slightest provocation brings angry mobs to the street. America, however, is the heir of its Founders, and so they respect government and the existing order, as is so eloquently expressed in the founding document of our Revolutionary Society, the Declaration of Independence. But when the governing class so oversteps its bounds, as has our current government, the American people will be heard.
With passion, most certainly, but also civilly and within the law, most definitely. But nonetheless they will be heard, without a doubt.
Our current ruling class will either hear or not, it really doesn't matter. Because of what our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us, the 2010 elections loom ever closer, and then the people will have the megaphone necessary to say what they want to say, in a way Washington cannot ignore.
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