Is it a Terrorist Yet?
There is not a little bit of buzz as to whether the alleged Ft. Hood killer, Major Hasan, is a terrorist or not. The Obami, including the Major Media, are emphasizing the fact that the Major did not coordinate his actions with al Quaeda or any other outside organization. He was a lone mad killer, perhaps a victim of pre-post traumatic stress disorder or harassment for his Muslim religion. Or both. In any event, he is no terrorist.
The conservative net, however, seems to be moving back and forth between proliferating definitions of terrorist, war criminal, and traitor.
Let's keep a little focus here, people. This is not a definitional problem. This was murder and an act of Jihadist terror, pure and simple. Whether the Major coordinated with al Quaeda or was a lone gunmen, whether he had personal mental problems or not, the fact remains that he clearly indicated an intention to further by his actions the worldwide Islamic Jihad against America and Americans. And he did so using the classic terrorist method of mass slaughter of unarmed, defenseless people in an unpredictable manner and place. This was an act of radical Islamic terror, in the same category as 9/11, QED.
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And therein lies the Obami problem, and the reason for Administration obfuscation. You may praise or bury President Bush, but one thing is irrefutable: his policies kept America safe from Islamic terrorism on American soil for eight years after 9/11. Now, just nine months into the Obama Administration, Islamic terrorism has claimed more American victims.
It is being speculated that one of our problems is a multi- culti- diversity pablum infecting the command structure of our Armed Forces which prevented anyone from properly investigating the Major's suspicious activities. If true, and it appears it is, we should not let this sort of thing distract us. The ultimate problem rests with the Commander in Chief. President Obama has made it plain from the start that he does not like the War on Terror, nor the Bush Administration practice of calling a Muslim terrorist a Muslim terrorist. This attitude at the very top of our government has reduced the readiness of our Armed Forces, Homeland Security, the FBI, and all others who are charged with protecting America in this War that we did not start.
To coin a phrase, this past week the President's chickens ..... came home to roost.
To the lasting sorrow of thirteen American families and the Nation at large.
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