Honduras Leads the Way
Let's see:
Pre-election primaries held on time and without fraud, check.
National elections held on time and without fraud, check.
Score: Honduras 1, Chavez 0.
Looks like a soccer score, but the meaning is clear: Chavez, and his sycophantic Organization of American States are the big losers in their bid to oust democracy in Honduras. Fortunately, the Obama Administration came to its senses just in time to get on the band wagon of freedom in Honduras.
Now it's time to get serious about the increasing adventurism of the strongman-style governments around the world. It is no accident that every one of the trouble makers in the world today depend heavily on oil revenues to maintain their power and influence. Russia, Iran, and Venezuela all strut and preen on the world stage as if they have done something other than milk their oil revenues for world prominence.
This is easily remedied. Drill, Baby, Drill is not just a catch-phrase for the resurgence of the American economy. It is also the Achilles heel of all these faux powers. If we and the portion of the world that is still sane will flood the world with oil rather than printed money, the price of oil will plummet, leaving these paper tigers limp and gasping.
Of course, this is all a bit too simple for the best and brightest in the Obama Administration. But as Honduras has shown, free and fair elections have consequences, and our own chance at democracy-in-action is coming the fall of next year.
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