A Big Stick
Multi-lateral diplomacy garners a Peace Prize for the Administration, but not Russian support for sanctions against Iran. Russia has informed Secretary Clinton that any sanctions would be "counterproductive." This should not be surprising given the years that Russia has blocked real sanctions in the Security Council of the U.N. It appears Russia is not very concerned about a nuclear armed Iran. But why not? Except for a few buffer states like Uzbekistan and the like, Russia well-nigh borders on this maniacal regime.
Come to think of it, China always blocked real sanctions against North Korea, apparently also unconcerned about that mad regime going nuclear right on its border. Why is it not concerned?
It's quite simple. Neither Russia or China fears nuclear powers on their borders because they know those little nuke states, with all their braggadocio, would never be so crazy as to attack them. Nor would Iran or the North Koreans use their nukes against anything of real interest to their large neighbors. The Iranians and the Norks know, without a doubt, that should they misstep, Russia and China would quickly, and mercilessly, respond.
That is, Russia and China hold the big stick, the military option, in full view, and even insane regimes recognize and respect them.
After the invasion of Iraq, we had that kind of respect.
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We had such a big, obvious stick that the other crazy in the Middle East, Qaddafy, quickly renounced terrorism and gave up all his nukes - to the Great Satan itself, the U.S. of A. This is what's called "peace through strength," a principal of world politics that has worked time and again in the long bloody history of mankind.
Our President, however, eschews the military option. Over the last few weeks this Administration has been invited to speculate on the possibility of a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, and it has done back-flips to avoid the subject.
Somebody needs to tell the President that the Nobel Committee does not take away Peace Prizes once awarded. Somebody also needs to remind him of the value of confrontation in negotiations, especially confrontation backed up with the threat of force.
Perhaps a stern lecture from some of his old community organizing buddies would do the trick.
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