Political Football
Let's do the numbers: 20 years, 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. That's 15,000 hours of monologues by Rush Limbaugh that his detractors had available in their current campaign to brand him a racist and ban him from NFL ownership.
The result? Two totally fabricated quotes and one remark (ably summarized by our sports division here) Rush made as an ESPN commentator six years ago about the Media's favoritism of Donovan McNabb.
That's it. That's all they got.
This tells us what we already knew, that the Rush-is-a-racist meme of Liberals and the Major Media is based on nothing but partison political differences. If you are Leftwing and you hear Rush criticize the President, you hear a racist rant. If you are center-right like most of America, you hear a political opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
Differing political opinions are not divisive; they are the norm for a vibrant democracy like ours. Unless, that is, you are part of that fringe minority of our country who abhor anybody that disagrees with them.
In publicly denouncing Rush Limbaugh's bid for ownership, Roger Goodell short circuited the normal owner application process and used the bully pulpit of the office of the NFL Commissioner to move the League solidly in with the fringe Left of this country. As a result, the NFL is now politicized, just like the banks, auto industry, the arts, scientific research, and any and all other areas of civil society the Left can get its hands on.
I am sure Roger Goodell is basking in the warm glow of congratulations he is receiving from the glitterati of the Left for his work in hijacking America's Game for partison political purposes. He best enjoy it; the blowback from those who love football as an American apolitical institution is gonna be fierce.
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