Hillary Clinton and the Rule of Law in Honduras
I see on Fox News tonight that Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State, is concerned about ousted President of Honduras, Mel Zelaya, attempting to re-enter his former country. Why is she concerned?
Because she is desperately trying to restore the Rule of Law to Honduras and such confrontational actions on the part of Mr. Zelaya will be counter-productive.
Well. As we learned here, the ouster of Mr. Z was in fact an act pursuant to the Rule of Law, including the Constitution of Honduras. It was an act by the military pursuant to an order of the Supreme Court of Honduras lawfully issued and confirmed by the elected Congress of Honduras, including a sweeping majority of the members of Mr. Zelaya's own party.
You don't get much closer to the Rule of Law than that, especially among the thugs and miscreants in Latin America and Cuba that our Secretary of State is in solidarity with on this issue. Nor, come to think of it, among our own government, which thinks nothing of taking TARP money authorized for Bank Bail-outs and using it to buy government stakes in car companies, to name one among many gross violations of the Rule of Law in our own country.
So, if Ms. Clinton succeeds in forcing the re-instatement of Mel Zelaya as President, it will not be the restoration of the Rule of Law in Honduras, but instead a grotesque breach thereof.
For my money, if it comes down to a decision between Hillary Clinton, Hugo Chavez and Raul Castro versus the people of Honduras, then I will just have to stand with those wise Latinas and Latinos of tiny Honduras.
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