Deregulatory Stimulus
Now this article is encouraging. It's by Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. He is responding to Newt Gingrich's latest call for a real stimulus plan. Mr. Crews says:
"We do need tax reforms like we see in the [Gingrich] outline, but also need to reduce the scope of government that leads to the calls for taxes in the first place."He then goes on to list 8 proposals, amounting to what he calls a "deregulatory stimulus" for the economy:
"–A freeze on government regulation;I don't know exactly what all these items mean, but I like the sound of his program.
–A “Regulatory Reduction Commission” to weed out decades of bad rules;
–A radical abandoment of so-called “antitrust” law, a step essential to getting government off the backs of our economy’s greatest wealth-creating sectors
–Limiting the scope of meddlesome, turf-expanding agencies like the Federal Communications Commission
–A more ambitious “R3″ program at the Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy to give entrepreneurs an avenue to protest onerous rules pouring out of more than 60 agencies;
–The beginnings of “regulatory budgeting”;
–Ends to unfunded mandates on lower-level governments;
–Requiring congressional approval of any major or controversial new agency rule, henceforth."
See my previous posts on this topic here.
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