Iraq Shows the Way to Democracy in America
I have zero knowledge about the publishers of this article on this website:, and do not intend to endorse the site. But the stories I read there ring true to any moderately informed and aware voter, especially given the wide-spread reporting by both the Major Media and the Alternative Media about ACORN's activities in the recent elections.
My question is: are we, the oldest (by far!) continuous constitutional democracy in the world, not obligated to respond to the cloud of suspicion raised by all of these stories? If so, then I would suggest that there is one reform which would be easy to implement and would reduce about 90% of possible voter fraud: it's called the 'Iraqi Voting Method' and involves inking a digit finger of everyone that votes.
I admit, it would be embarrassing for us to require such things of our voters because we would be admitting that after 200 years this experiment in democracy now looked little different than other countries popularly described as third world backwaters. But then again, there is a certain nobility to be found in admitting fault, and inking a digit of every voter might be the very symbol of repentence owed by the world's leader in democracy that has so tellingly failed its own ideals.
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