HANDS UP! Obama Gets Tough on Terrorists
"Tough," but not against those fake muslim terrorists the Bush administration prosecuted in its War on Terror. The Obama Department of Homeland Security has identified real terrorists: militia-minded people already in the United States who " ... reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority ...[and may] ... include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as ... abortion or immigration." The Department of Homeland Security Assessment dated April 7, 2009 goes on to cite other characteristics of true American terrorists, such as efforts to " ... recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters, and broaden their scope and appeal," and a belief that "recent gun control legislation" is a "threat to their right to bear arms ..."
More on this later, but for now, let me note that this curiously ridiculous report - you might want to compare it's propagandistic hysteria to a more wonkish and sober Assessment about possible Leftwing Extremists promulgated by the DHS in January of this year (ie just prior to the installation of the Obama crew in the DHS) - comes out just as the most significant grass-roots movement of my lifetime occurs, the so-called Tea Parties scheduled for today, April 15, 2009.
These Tea Parties are mostly right-ward leaning, but are definitely not aligned with any political party whatsoever. But even so they are targeted by another department of Obama's administration, ACORN activists, who intend to pass themselves off as grass-roots Tea Partiers, and disrupt the proceedings.
My prediction: the ACORN activists will act like the stupid stereotypes of conservatives depicted in the DHS Assessment, and on Thursday, the Major Media will "report" on the extremism of the Tea Partiers and use as their evidence - surprise! - this Assessment by DHS, which will be praised for its prescience about the new terrorist threat to the United States revealed in the Tea Parties.
Am I talking about a Grand Government Conspiracy to trash the Constitution, like all the wing-nuts have been talking these last 8 years? No, I am talking about the Obama Administration, through its agents at DHS and ACORN, staging a political event to dominate the news cycle with a particular spin that will marginalize its political opponents. This is standard politics as practiced the last few decades, with the only new thing being the sophistication of the operation and the sheer reach exhibited by the Obama administration in coordinating its efforts with outside groups like ACORN and the Major Media, and with its own DHS.
Not a Grand Conspiracy, just politics as usual, of which I am sick and tired.
I need a pick me up. Can someone pass me some tea?
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