Racist Stimulus Bill 2009
Nicely hidden in the Stimulus Bill of 2009 is the preparation for an all-out attack on the poor and minorities. Disguised as a macro-economic Keynesian stimulus, the Bill contains provisions which encourage States to expand their welfare rolls, as well as provisions to put welfare payments into the hands of able-bodied adults who have no dependent children, increased sums going to food stamps, the EITC, the refundable child credit, Medicaid eligibility standards, Pell grants, and Title I education grants (h/t Michael Franc on The Corner).
Now, there is hardly a true American who will not help a person who is down on his luck (as it used to be called). It is well documented that Americans are by far the most charitable people in the world, whether in giving money or their own time. But there is also nary an American who would think about helping a person in a way that would keep that person in his sorrowful condition forever. In today's psycho-speak, Americans prefer the "tough love" approach, a concept that fundamentally recognizes that there is something worse than being poverty stricken, homeless, or alcoholic, and that is to be robbed of ones personal dignity.
Against this view you have the Racist Stimulus Bill 2009. It is as immoral a piece of legislation as has come down the pike since slavery in the old south. Simply put: it seduces people to become wards of the State. And the people it seeks to seduce are the weakest, most downtrodden, most susceptible people in our society, the poor. And let's be honest, a large number of the poor are black.
To be sure, there will be many African-Americans who will resist the allure of welfare, no matter how much money the government throws at them. But it is a fact that if you pay more for people to go on welfare, you will have more people on welfare. And this effect will fall disproportionately on African-Americans.
Welfare is a drug, and Congress is a drug-pusher seeking to consign another generation of American citizens to single parent homes, crime and despair. And I will not even give Congress the credit that it has manifest "good intentions." Gross negligence in the service of gross immorality trumps all good intentions.
In truth, the Liberals are returning to their roots: their forerunners, the Wisconsin Progressives of the early 20th Century, were explicitly racist and promoted policies to "weed out" "genetic inferiors," aka African-Americans, in order to enhance their own privileged race. Congress continues this heinous tradition, but instead of weeding out blacks, it seeks to marginalize them into a dehumanized state of permanent dependency on government. This ever-expanding constituency will in turn create ever-expanding political power in Washington, which will then enhance the privilege of the new elite, the fat cat drug-pushers of Congress.
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