No Harbingers Need Apply
The New York Post tells us that in Buffalo, New York, a man killed his wife due to the stress he was under from his failing business. Apparently, she was divorcing him, and we are to understand from the news report that it was his financial predicament that lead him to take a decided umbrage at her intentions, and he killed her. Now, this is just another dog bites man story. As a friend of the couple says in the story: "Murders are being committed in the US every day ... " As a result, the story garnered no real publicity outside of a few news gatherers, like The Buffalo News, the normally racy Post, and Newsday (the story comfortably ensconced on page 26). But there are a couple of more facts in the story that might tell us a little bit about the age we happen to find ourselves in. Number 1, the couple was Muslim; and number 2, the husband beheaded the wife. Beheaded her? I know (because the press and politicians tell me so) there is a veritable tsunami of domestic violence going on in this country (most of it is husband on wife, but there is also a rising tide of husband on daughter molestation, as well as just general stalking, rape and pedophilia by men in general. Wives just can't seem to satisfy their men anymore). But I have yet, among all the facts, half-truths, myths and outright muckraking on the issue, heard of a man deciding to behead whatever female he happens to be oppressing at the moment. People who are sick in the head do all manner of horrendous things; our culture is certainly no stranger to such aberrations. But the form of aberration that occurs can be a useful indication of the type of influences culture is subject to. Is it possible that beheading was used because the man was influenced by the example of Muslim jihadists? Well, of course it's possible, and really, very probable. Absent the jihadist example it seems all but certain that this man would have come up with a more traditional way to off his wife. In fact, this is a a man bites dog story, a startling new thing that might be an indication of terrible trends to come. Or not; we really don't know. But consistent with our age, no one notices, least of all the news media charged with the responsibility of informing the public about what is happening in their country. And so whether it is a sign of things to come will not be discovered until after the fact, if ever. Harbingers, alas, are no longer news. Sacco and Vanzetti, call your office. All is forgiven. via email (h/t Mark Steyn on The Corner). |
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