What is the definition of a racist? Perhaps its one who is extremely obsessed with ethnic or cultural distinctions between peoples, who insists on seeing the world and others through a narrow, small, irrelevant and ignorant filter. Or simply, a racist might be called a tomato-head, and ignored.
Unfortunately, when racism raises its head in America, it is all but impossible to ignore the lunkheads. Because they are the immediate focus of all major and minor media who seem to think all the rest of us are too dumb to spot racism, and so it must be loudly and self-righteously trumpeted through every media orifice available.
Who is the latest racist? No, not Imus. He has disrespected every group at one time or another, and hence can't be a racist via logical exclusion. And further, he was simply talking in the same standard black jive used by about 70% of major black cultural figures and 100% of the black wannabes among the upper middle class white population, all of whom raise questions of taste, judgment and intelligence, but not racism.
The racists are the ones who so loudly call such stupid behavior racist, who can only see one thing in this event: Imus white skin. These are the ones who live obsessively in the ethnic and cultural differences of peoples, who can't see anything except what has become the most shallow of stereotypes, the "white racist." Who I am talking about of course are those two grand race baiters of the 2oth and 21st Centuries, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. These are the self-appointed watchdogs of racism, who can't put two thoughts together without one of them being of or about racism.
In my view, if we need specially trained and motivated people to find racism in America, then that proves that there is no racism in America. Racism by its nature is gross, obvious behavior, because it is practised by gross, obvious people (picture those clowns of the culture wars, the knights of the Klu Klux Klan). Racism that is subtle, nuanced and hard to spot is not racism, it is just culture exhibiting the ambiguity which is inherent in all vibrant forms of life everywhere.
Jesse and Al need to get another job and quit parading their hatred of all things white in front of the rest of us.
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