The Blacksburg Massacre
As I predicted, the political vultures have lost little time in turning the Virginia Tech tragedy into just another occasion for them to advance their agenda. In this case, of course, it’s assigning all the blame for this affair to the NRA and, of course, President Bush. Apparently, if there had been strict gun laws in place like
However, this was a random, unpredictable action of senseless violence, and in an open society like the campus of Virginia Tech (and our entire country, for that matter), there is very little that can be done to prevent such actions that would not, ultimately, destroy the very open society we are trying to protect.
Except for one thing: empowering law abiding citizens with the proper training to carry guns. If there had even been one such person on the scene at Virginia Tech, the terrible death toll might have been much, much less.
But that would be too simple a solution. And further, law abiding citizens carrying guns are the very people who most frighten anti-gun advocates.
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