Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Quick Political Prediction

Comments and opinions are one thing, but how about a prediction or two?  Here's where I stick my neck way out:

The Republican field for the Presidency has a gaping hole in its center.  Gingrich, Romney, Pawlenty, and Paul do not excite anyone, much less the base that will be needed in any national run.  With Barbour's exit and Christie and Ryan's adamantine-like refusal to run,  what are Republicans to do?

Don't worry; Sarah Palin is on the way.  She has cleverly reduced her profile the last few months, to let the sharks and piranhas of the press turn their addled attentions elsewhere for a while.  She even convinced many of the conservative punditocracy that she preferred all the money from her media gigs and would not be running.   But she will run, and when she announces, it will be explosive.

Watch for it.  And watch for her initial talking points to be the subject of national debate right up until election day.  She has a knack for such things, a knack that will enable her to do the most important thing in any Presidential run, the thing that no one else, Republican or Democrat (including our over-rated Communicator in Chief), has shown any ability to do: set the terms for debate.

And she who sets the terms for debate shall win the debate.  And the Presidency.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Breaking: Divine Right of Kings is Back.....

....if the Church of the UN has anything to do about it.  That reverent organization is preparing to consider a global Treaty brought forth by its most zealous proselyte, Bolivia, which wants to establish the rights of Mother Earth against ..... oh, I don't know, I guess all of us.  I can't think of any other animal or vegetable who might care what the minerals need or desire.

The formula is simple: pick a god, any god, and posit that its interests supersede the interests of human type people.  Of course, the god's interests can only be divined by the holiest of human type people.  These are then appointed King or 12th Imam or Commissar or President for Life or something, and proceed to make sure the god's Commandments are carried out on earth, usually from the comfort of some plush Palace.  For now, the God Gaia's will is being channeled through such devout stalwarts of human happiness as the beloved Leaders of Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Nicaragua.  What could go wrong?

Look for the next major revelation from the divinely inspired: God Gaia likes dinero, especially Yankee dinero.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Obama is Bad at Politics!

Then what is he good at?

Jay Cost at The Weekly Standard makes the case for Obama's ineptitude.

A good article, although about 1 1/2 years late. The Mercurial Pundit discovered our President's deficiencies way back in October of 2009.

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