An Internet Test
Do not be alarmed. This is only a test. BARE BREASTED WOMEN!! PICTURES TO FOLLOW!! This has been a test of this blog's Internet profile. If this announcement had been real, you would now be looking at pictures of bare breasted women instead of this cool, calm, and collected prose. In the following days, the Web Geeks in the basement will be perusing our Google Analytics report to determine what impact, if any, this test has had on blog hits. For those of you that may be interested in the technical details, the Geeks will be using the last 48 hours of posts as a baseline, wherein three old guys battled it out tooth and gum over Obama's War. The prevailing hypothesis is that Internet America really likes three old guys with, collectively, four teeth, and some inexpensive (read: cheap) bridgework, and that there will be little difference in hits due to this test. I on the other hand differ, and am willing to back it up with hard cash at 10-1 odds. This should be interesting. Or, if not, it should be something. And if not something, its at least another day. So stay tuned! |
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