Monday, December 7, 2009

Climate Cools as Flackery Heats Up

The PR flacks are out in force today, drumming up business for the Copenhagen World Climate Conference.  Unfortunately, this piece of puffery and used-car salesman type hype was published by the Asssociated Press, ostensibly a news source. 

The errors and misrepresentations are too numerous to go through, but here are a couple of highlights.

Arctic polar ice caps melting?  A good point, if there was only one polar ice cap.  What's going on down south? Antarctic ice is growing.

The 2000's were 1.1 degree hotter than average global temperatures from 1951-1980? Well, according to the IPCC 2007 Climate Report, 1950 was significantly cooler than the previous year, reducing significantly the average of the series from 1951 onward. This is classic cherry-picking. If you use the average of thirty year temperatures from 1940-1970, our decade shows an increase of only .18 degrees; 1960-1990, the temperature increase is only .1 degree; and  from 1970-2000 ... oops! a .088 degree decrease in temperature.

This approach by the AP is now famously called "hiding the decline." Temperatures have been decreasing the last decade, in violation of every climate change computer model, to the great consternation of the vast grant-receiving bureacracy of "scientists" around the globe.

AP needs to start charging for its PR flackery. It certainly does not have much of a future as a news organization.

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