Thursday, May 5, 2016

Re: Trump's Faction

Whoa, Easy. Patriotism? Trump is running a campaign based on patriotism?

I dunno....

Patriotism evokes to me a dignity that befits the object of patriotism: America as founded by the Founding Fathers. It evokes their sacrifice in a noble cause, a cause that held the world spell bound and continues to do so, a sacrifice that at the time it was made held no guarantee of success - quite the opposite. A revolt against arguably the most powerful sea-faring nation in the world and an army that in a few years would topple the great Napoleon?

Our Founders rolled the dice, embraced a truly profound cusp, and with boundless courage enacted one of the greatest moments in history - and defined forever, for me at least, what true patriotism is.

I revere our heritage, and have a hard time getting my head around your equation of the Trump campaign with American patriotism.

In short, I got cognitive dissonance here, Easy; can you help me?

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