Should Gays be Allowed to Marry?
Sigh. The answer is yes. But that is like asking should people be allowed to join book clubs or should people be allowed to go fishing or should people be allowed to spend time at the seashore or should people be allowed to watch soap operas or should.....Again I say, sigh.
This is public debate these days, in which fundamental facts are breezed right over in favor of partisan induced strawmen fighting demagogic stereotypes, all on the front pages of the 'news,' echoing the zip zap opinions of the blogosphere. The question of whether Gays should be allowed to marry is a non-question, a rhetorical tic giving the appearance of a controversy where none exists. A lot of sound and fury, signifying.....nothing.
You want the fundamental facts? Gays have the absolute right to marry right now, today, in every state of the Union. There are no laws preventing them from standing up in a Church, reciting vows, celebrating with their friends, and shacking up in the house of their choice. Compare, for instance, the Gay situation with polygamy. There are laws against polygamy, and sometimes those laws are even enforced. Not so with Gays.
So, marry already. What, some churches won't let you marry under their auspices? Well, some churches won't let me marry under their auspices either (can you say Catholic Church?). No worries; find another church, or start your own, both of which are entirely legal also in these United States.
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