Van Jones
Van Jones, White House Green Jobs high muckety-muck, resigns in the dead of night, stating the following:
On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divideThe arrogance of these people is appalling. Publication of actual videos of his speeches, articles he has written, and documents he has signed constitutes a "vicious smear campaign ... lies and distortions."
In a sane world, he would first have to explain his past statements and behavior so as to negate the obvious, that he is a radical, self-described Communist and neo-racist who seeks to bring down American society via "direct militant action," albeit through a new, less grating style.
But this is no longer a sane world. Arrogant ideologues like this get a pass from the Main Stream Media, who studiously refuse to report the story as it develops, and then get in as Mr. Jones resigns to "report" that a resignation of a major White House player was a mere partisan "victory for Republicans."
Atrocious. Simply atrocious.
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