Pollution Breath
From the President's Tuesday press conference (h/t Chris Horner):
Obama: “At a time of great fiscal challenges, this legislation [Waxman-Markey] is paid for by the polluters who currently emit the dangerous carbon emissions that contaminate the water we drink and pollute the air we breathe.”
Carbon emissions are contaminating and polluting the water and the air? Then air pollution was certainly exacerbated by the President, exhaling as he spoke, unless he did so breathlessly. But that is only what the Media does as they await each carbon infused word from the One.
All kidding aside, this is just another example of the President's normal double-speak mode when engaging in public debate. Another word for carbon dioxide is "air." Air permeates the waters of this earth as well as the atmosphere above the waters, and that is why the oceans and land teem with life. To call air a contaminant or pollutant is silly in the extreme.
Not that being silly has ever been a barrier to Democrat governance.
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