Breaking: Divine Right of Kings is Back.....
....if the Church of the UN has anything to do about it. That reverent organization is preparing to consider a global Treaty brought forth by its most zealous proselyte, Bolivia, which wants to establish the rights of Mother Earth against ..... oh, I don't know, I guess all of us. I can't think of any other animal or vegetable who might care what the minerals need or desire. The formula is simple: pick a god, any god, and posit that its interests supersede the interests of human type people. Of course, the god's interests can only be divined by the holiest of human type people. These are then appointed King or 12th Imam or Commissar or President for Life or something, and proceed to make sure the god's Commandments are carried out on earth, usually from the comfort of some plush Palace. For now, the God Gaia's will is being channeled through such devout stalwarts of human happiness as the beloved Leaders of Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Nicaragua. What could go wrong? Look for the next major revelation from the divinely inspired: God Gaia likes dinero, especially Yankee dinero. |
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