Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ominous Cabals

The latest from Bob Herbert of the NY Times is here. His opening paragraph:

Even with the murders that have already occurred, Americans are not paying enough attention to the frightening connection between the right-wing hate-mongers who continue to slither among us and the gun crazies who believe a well-aimed bullet is the ticket to all their dreams.

Let me hold up a picture of a John Bircher, and ask Mr. Herbert if he can tell the difference between plain, ordinary Americans lawfully going about their daily business and a nut-case conspiracy theorist who finds cabals of hate-filled conspirators in groups of plain, ordinary Americans lawfully going about their daily business.

Whoops. This is not a picture of a John Bircher I'm holding in front of Mr. Herbert, this is a mirror. My mistake, Mr. Herbert.

I hope this doesn't put me in one of Mr. Herbert's cabals. I can't afford the dues right now.

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