Talking Points and the Major Media
This Post continued from here.
It is common wisdom that those who are quick to recognise the sins of others do so because they are themselves subject to those same weaknesses. And this, I think, might explain the curious charge that Fox News is following Republican talking points: because the Democrats have just this kind of a relationship with the Major Media, and cannot conceive that the Republicans aren't doing it too.
And this is born out, I think, by the political battles of the last few years. The Major Media has always been sympathetic to the Democrats political agenda, but the level of congruence b/t the editorial decisions of the Media and the Dems political strategies since 2000 can only be described as active coordination. It is not my function to go into such matters, but I would submit that a thorough review of the massive help the Major Media gave John Kerry's Presidential campaign alone would convince any reasonable person w/ an open mind. I will mention one well known example: The infamous charge by Dan Rather that Bush had received special treatment in his natioal Guard service. It has been a mystery to some as to why a news man of the stature of Dan Rather would involve himself w/ such an obviously fraudulent report. Well if we assume that he (or more likely his staff) were actively coordinating an 'October Surprise' against Bush, then it all seems to make more sense. The damning 'news' report was integral to the Kerry campaign and had to be rushed onto the evening news asap. And both the timing and the substance of this 'news'report could not have been more beneficial for the Kerry campaign if it had been produced by his own campaign staff.
I don't know exactly how the Dems and the Media commonicate and coordinate their actions but I submit that if evidence is found about this relationship that it will be a scandal of major proportion. The Major Media are entitled to support any candidate they want, but to use their media power surreptitiously for a candidate while pretending to be a standard news outlet is at a minimum a violation of campaign contribution laws, and at the maximum a betrayal of a fundamental public trust.
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